As you prepare for the excitement that is the 2016 Black Enterprise Golf & Tennis Challenge, it is also time to prepare your wardrobe. Proper attire is particularly essential in the game of golf and would like to see that you’re all set and ready for action.
Whether playing on a public or private course, there is a general, often unspoken, sometimes declared set of “rules” to what you do and don’t wear on the course. Check the simple guide below.
These do’s and don’ts should offer a little guidance as you begin to pack your bag for good times and fun in the sun Labor Day weekend, September 3-6 at the PGA National Resort & Spa, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. If you haven’t done so already, register now. Use the discount code LABORDAY below for essential savings. Time is ticking, act now.
Do: tuck in your shirt. Everything about golf about golf screams tailored and manicured (including the course). You are no exception. (Image:
Do: wear skirts or shorts tastefully (not to mention fashionably) knee length or slightly above. (Image:
Do: wear soft spikes or athletic shoes. The green and your swing will thank you. Also, (not pictured) don't forget your socks! They come in handy by keeping your feet dry during a long, hot day on the course. (Image:
You can imagine that this one is pretty loaded. Don’t: wear jeans, jogging shorts, sweatpants, or cut-off shorts. There will be time for that. Don’t: opt for flip flops or bare feet if you haven’t any golf shoes. Some clubs allow for golf sandals, but you may want to opt for a classic golf shoe to be on the safe side. (Image:
Don’t—though it is South Florida and it is blazing hot—set the no shirts, t-shirts, crop, and tank tops (men) aside for lounging around the pool, not the course. To note, the beer would also be considered inappropriate for the course—just an FYI. Feel free to save the drinks for AFTER your round. (Image:
For registration, information, and updates on the BE Golf &Tennis Challenge, September 3-6, at the PGA National Resort & Spa in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida visit When registering for BEGT, use discount code LABORDAY for a special discounted rate. For social media updates, follow hashtag #BEGT.